
A collection of articles, podcasts or talks about software craftsmanship.

Talk - La couverture de code : un indicateur melon d'eau ?

A talk I gave during Web À Québec 2022 about software quality KPI, the wrong ones - like code coverage - and the good ones - like mutation score using mutation testing tools.

May 2022

Article - To DRY or not to DRY?

A blog post about DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle and when not to apply it.

November 2018

Talk - Guide anti-frustration pour navigation en projet trouble

A talk I gave during Touraine Tech 2018 about tips & ticks to avoid your agile project to fail.

February 2018

Podcast - Café Craft podcast #15 : Renverser la pyramide des tests !

A podcast where I have been interviewed to talk about the Test Pyramid model.

January 2018

Article - Parole d’expert : Le rôle de Tech lead selon Damien Beaufils

An article where I have been interviewed to talk about the Tech Lead role in a software development team.

November 2017

Talk - Comment être Tech Lead dans une pizza team XXL sans finir sous l'eau ?

A talk I gave during Devoxx France 2017 about the Tech Lead role and about the Software Craftsmanship practices in a software development team.

April 2017

Talk - Petit-déjeuner « Secteur public : REX du site »

A talk about the software quality and collective code ownership practices applied in the development team.

December 2016
September 2016

Podcast - Developer's Journey podcast #16

A podcast where I have been interviewed to talk about software testing and test pyramid model.

June 2016

Article - Web Services for IAS CoRoT archives

A poster written for 2nd CoRoT symposium presenting the Web Services for IAS CoRoT archives.

June 2011
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink | Page content generated from commit: a87e7d4